COSMIC Updates (feat. Community)

We’re back with more updates for COSMIC, a new Rust-based desktop environment built for Pop!_OS and other distros. As of last count, there are 20 issues to be resolved leading up to the alpha release! We’re getting close, folks. This round of updates brings some essential updates, as well as more amazing contributions from the COSMIC community. Grooviness.
Inactive Window Styling
Headers for inactive windows will now be styled with inactive colors, making it more apparent as to which window is active. For example, the default Dark Mode theme uses a distinguished grey color for icons in the header bar.

Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
We’ve completed work on customizable shortcuts and have added them to Input Settings!

An Super+Tab (or Alt+Tab) feature for switching windows has been implemented, establishing a new era of peace for the COSMIC team and our pre-alpha lab rats.

Display Mirroring
This feature has been added to the Display Settings panel in COSMIC Settings, enabling you to display the same image across multiple screens.
Panel overflow menu
When the panel gets too crowded with apps and applets, the extra apps can be found in a menu in the panel. This feature isn’t merged yet, but it’s getting there!

Gaming fixes
Many bugs with gaming have been resolved, such as issues with minimizing, games locking up when losing focus, and invisible in-game cursors.
COSMIC Settings performance
Performance has been improved for the Settings application, which now uses the wgpu renderer. Various settings are also now responsive to narrow window widths.
Compositor multi-threading
Increased performance by optimizing cosmic-comp to use multiple threads for rendering in more complex situations such as accommodating high refresh rates and multiple monitors.
Bug fixes for multi-GPU systems
A patch to iced_wgpu resolves a number of issues regarding multi-GPU workflows, such as Workspaces accidentally turning on the GPU by using anti-aliasing. Another fix addressed NVIDIA GPUs powering up while in the default hybrid graphics mode.
FlexRow Widget
The FlexRow widget in libcosmic now uses Taffy for UI layout, and has some additional fields for configuring alignment and justification.
The COSMIC community is growing fast! Thanks to everyone who’s contributed so far! Here’s a list of our recent contributors:
Fixed an issue that caused some applications to have missing icons, and prevented them from being pinnable to the dock.
Added power profiles (Extended battery life mode, High performance mode) to COSMIC Settings.
Added customizable keyboard repeat delay and repeat rate to COSMIC Settings. These settings control how long it takes for a key press to repeat when a key is held, as well as how frequently it repeats. (For example: Falling asleep on your keyboarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

Created a button for the COSMIC App Store that shows release notes for app updates. Also, sorted keyboard layouts in Keyboard Settings.

Developing a markdown widget, Ollama LLM chat applet, and web apps application (called Quick Web Apps).
Created COSMIC Tasks, a task management application. They’re also working with ahoneybun on building a backup manager called Stellarshot.

Created a color picker application for COSMIC.

Created an ambient noise applet, inspired by Blanket.
Created a COSMIC DirStat, a file analytics app to help with managing your local storage.
Created Oboete, a flashcards app; as well as StarryDex, a Pokédex app. Both are now available on Flathub.
Oh, that’s us! This has been quite a list of amazing contributions, and it only gets better from here. Stay tuned for the COSMIC Alpha, coming soon to an operating system near you!
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